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BLED, Blejski grad
(dec. 2019)

Svet se nenehno spreminja in mi z njim. Zato se nič nikoli ne ponovi na enak način. Uživajte ta trenutek, kot da je vaš zadnji. Ne odlagajte svojega časa za srečo na jutrišnji dan. Najboljši trenutek življenja je lahko le tukaj in zdaj. (povzeto iz

BOVEC, Slap Virje
(oktober 2019)

Živimo v dobi razpršenosti, v kulturi hipnega, ne znamo več poslušati oziroma vse počnemo površno. Toda v vsakem od nas je ključ, ki lahko znova odpre vrata pozornosti, ubranosti z drugimi in ljubezni do življenja. Ta ključ se imenuje ičigo-ičie. (iz knjige Ičigo-Ičie, Hector Garcia & Francesc Miralles)

GOZD MARTULJEK, v ozadnju Špik (2472 m)
(april 2020)

BLED, blejski otok

Narcissus poeticus radiiflorus -  bela narcisa
iz mojega vrta :)

Katera vam je najbolj všeč? 

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  1. Beautiful photography! I really like the waterfall, with the water coming out of the darkness.

  2. beautiful photos! i love the pink almost purple skies.

  3. ...change is a necessary part of life, but some change is so difficult. The BOVEC, Virje Waterfall is and delight.

  4. I like the bridge with the mountains. Very impressive B&W!

  5. Mein Favorit ist der Wasserfall.

  6. You certainly used the right format. Black and white always looks more professional to me. Why? I could not tell you but it just does. Agreed, I like the waterfall image the BEST. Be safe out there.

  7. That are wonderful BW photos,that is pure nature!
    Greetings Elke

  8. Magical photos! My heart leapt with every photo I see but the one on GOZD MARTULJEK looks like 3D to me, it's so crisp and clear and so beautiful! Perfect!

  9. love the photo of the waterfall and the bridge with the mountains behind it. Gorgeous places and BW shots. :)

  10. Sorry to be so late visiting - it's been a busy few days!

    I love the waterfall, and the bright mountain behind the bridge.

  11. Stunning scenes! I think the mountains caught my eye first.

    Your corner is beautiful this week! Thanks for sharing it at the 'My Corner of the World' link up.

  12. Incredible photography ! Love the photos especially the first one.


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