Zelena reka

Belo. Vsepovsod belo. In 99 odtenkov sive.

Letošnje zime še ni bilo toliko snega in še vedno naletava. Odpravim se na sprehod. Sem in tja kakšen sprehajalec.

In osamljen panj s čebelami. Pred nekaj dnevi so še veselo iskale prve cvetove in se grele na toplem soncu.

Pot me pelje mimo Save. Deroča Sava Dolinka, le kakšen km preden se s Savo Bohinjko združita v eno. Prevzame me njena neverjetno lepa zelena barva. Ne vem zakaj je tako zelene barve. Mogoče zaradi sivega neba? Mogoče zaradi hitrega pretoka in velike količine kisika?

Stojim na zasneženem lesenem mostu in hitim s fotografiranjem. Sava je deroča in ne predstavljam si, da mi spodrsne. Mogoče je tako zelo zelena prav zaradi nizke temperature?

nastavitve: 1/10 sec, f22, ISO 100 - fotoaparat naslonjen na ograjo 

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  1. ...these are fabulous, I like the bits of color!

  2. Beautiful. I especially love snow when it's a whole landscape covered in snow, and with a red coat:) That you see the green ,eans that the water is clear, and you see the color of the bottom of the water. Wished I had seen such clear water in painting my landscapes:) Your photos show that there is still plenty to see in a snowy landscape - thanks for sharing it with All Seasons and enjoy a wintery week!

  3. Awesome photos. I like how you caught color against the snowy scenes.

  4. These are fan tastic shots. So perfect then you add color to it, nice. I can't seem to get such beautiful shots of snow and ice like yours. That color green is unique and the icy waves on top make it even better.

  5. How lucky to get the red-coated hiker in the snow!

    I don't know if this is the same for you, but around here glaciers grind up the limestone into a fine glacial silt known as "rockflour". This makes the water look blue/green.

  6. Fabulous snow scenes! The beehives are such a wonderful splash of color against the snow.

  7. The color of the water is so beautiful and then contrast it with the pure white snow! so lovely!


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